
Make Your Career Soar

J. Terry White just returned to Arnold Air Force Base, TN to teach the fine professionals at Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC). The flight simulation test facilities at AEDC operate 58 aerodynamic and propulsion wind tunnels, rocket and turbine engine test cells, space environmental chambers, arc heaters, ballistic ranges and other specialized units.

July-August AEDC Class Photos

From 22-25 July, Mr. White taught his Advanced Missile Aerodynamics (AMA) course. The course is designed for aerospace professionals seeking an advanced knowledge and understanding of classic missile aero force and moment prediction methodologies, with an emphasis placed on techniques pertinent to the preliminary design environment. As one student noted, “This course is very useful to those here at AEDC who work in wind tunnels, as well as others interested in aerodynamics.” Another student said “The course was excellent. I would recommend it to any engineer practicing in missile aerodynamics or testing fields.”

From 29 July – 01 August, Mr. White taught his increasingly popular Aerospace Lessons-Learned (ALL) short course . One student said the course “provided an excellent presentation of past accidents and failures. It made me more aware of influences that must be addressed correctly to prevent failure and loss of life.” Another student emphasized this point, saying “Those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.” This, of course, is the driving message behind the ALL short course. From design to implementation, the course has been a labor of love for Mr. White, who is a time-wizened veteran of the aerospace industry.

The WEA team would like to thank Ms. Dee Wolfe and Dr. Don Malloy for their enthusiastic assistance and support, as well as each of the wonderful students in attendance. It is a distinct pleasure working with the fine professionals at AEDC!

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