From 16-19 September, Aerosciences instructor J. Terry White taught his Aerospace Vehicle Performace (AVP) course to the fine aerospace professionals at Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC). This is the fourth course Mr. White has taught to AEDC community in the past 13 months, having previously taught his Fundamentals of Hypersonics (FOH) and Basic Missile Aerodynamics (BMA) courses to the organization, which is based at Arnold Air Force Base, TN.
The AVP course has been a popular course of late, which seems to be linked with ongoing industry efforts to design more advanced aerospace vehicles. The course provides participants with the knowledge and skills needed to accurately estimate aircraft take-off and landing performance and understand the essentials of proper aircraft design. With these and other simple tools, students are able to estimate the performance of a wide variety of general aviation, commercial, military and special purpose aircraft missions.
One student in attendance noted that the course appeals to professionals from diverse fields, saying “The course would be great for engineers who come from other backgrounds but need aero knowledge.” Another student commented on the course’s relevancy to AEDC in particular, saying “Mr. White provided an outstanding presentation of basic performance methodology and analysis approach. The course helps establish a fundamental understanding of aircraft aerodynamic performance and other core competencies for the AEDC test mission.”
Mr. White is honored by the opportunity to serve the innovative men and women at AEDC. He and the entire WEA team would like to thank Mr. Don Malloy and Ms. Dee Wolfe, as well as each student in attendance this week.