
Make Your Career Soar

J. Terry White just taught two back-to-back short courses to a group of top-notch professionals from Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC). AEDC is located at Arnold Air Force Base in Tennessee and is the most advanced and largest complex of flight simulation test facilities in the world.

From 18-22 March, Mr. White held a repeat offering of his Fundamentals of Hypersonics (FOH) course at AEDC. The initial offering of FOH to AEDC personnel was held 13-17 August 2012. The FOH course provides a thorough treatment of hypersonic flow physics, gas dynamics, aerodynamic heating, plasma effects, aeroacoustics and flight vehicle force and moment characteristics. One student elaborated on the usefulness of the course, saying “The overview of multiple aspects of hypersonics in this course provides context for specific applications of interest or particular fields of study. Even if you are an expert in the fundamentals of hypersonic flight, the course is worthwhile for the technical and historical briefs alone.”

March 2013 FOH Class Photo

From 25-28 March, Mr. White taught his Basic Missile Aerodynamics (BMA) course. The course provides expert instruction in the fundamentals of missile aerodynamics as applied to airframe design and test, with direct application across a broad spectrum of missile types including tactical missiles, ballistic missiles, launch vehicles, sounding rockets and projectiles. One kind student remarked on the learning experience, saying the course was “The most professional, concise and comprehensive course on aerodynamics I’ve ever taken. This course restored enthusiasm in flight that I had lost since graduating from my undergraduate program.”

March 2013 BMA Class Photo

White Eagle Aerospace strives to build and maintain a team of aerospace experts who are passionate about the subjects they teach – and equally passionate about teaching. Mr. White leads the team with an astounding love for what he does and found the two-week teaching experience at AEDC to be exceptionally rewarding. He said, “AEDC has always been connected to what’s happening in aerospace and this continues to be the case. It is a privilege teaching the professionals at the world’s preeminent ground test facility.”

The WEA team extends sincere gratitude to each of the students who attended the recent classes at AEDC, in addition to Ms. Dee Wolfe, Ms. Jeannie McFaddin and Mr. Don Malloy for their priceless assistance.

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