
Make Your Career Soar

White Eagle Aerospace salutes Felix Baumgartner and the entire Red Bull Stratos Team for yesterday’s record breaking jump from the edge of space.  Indeed, Sunday, 14 October 2012 will long be remembered, not only for one of the most remarkable achievements in aerospace history, but for a most uncommon display of human courage.

As of this writing, the prelimary accomplishments of this historic feat read as follows:

Highest Manned Balloon Flight:  128,097 feet above sea level

Longest Freefall Distance:  119,846 feet

Highest Velocity Achieved During a Freefall:  834 mph

First Supersonic Freefall:  Mach 1.24

Baumgartner’s plunge to Earth lasted 9 minutes and 3 seconds with a freefall duration of 4 minutes and 20 seconds.

Baumgartner overcame many obstacles in his quest to jump from an altitude higher than any man before him.  Key among these obstacles were the many physical dangers inherent in extreme altitude flight as well as a highly personal battle with claustrophobia when sealed within a full pressure suit.

It took 52 years for the freefall marks of the previous record holder (Joseph W. Kittinger, Jr.) to be eclipsed.  And in a coming day, Baumgartner’s incredible achievements will be surpassed as well.   But on this day, we pay tribute to an intrepid and courageous soul.  Well done Mr. Baumgartner!

Posted in Aerospace, History

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